March 4, 2024

From the Andes to the Amazon: new neXat connectivity spans across Peru

From the Andes to the Amazon: new neXat connectivity spans across Peru

Peru, a country of 35 million nestled against South America’s western coast by its neighbours Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia and Chile, boasts an emerging market and has been one of the region’s fastest-growing economies.

In a country where Peruvian settlement has flourished for 5,000 years as one of the cradles of civilization and the birthplace of ancient Andean cultures from the Norte Chico to the Incas, a new type of societal change is happening – interconnectivity.  

Peru is the fourth largest telecommunications market in South America. Demand for affordable, accessible and reliable connectivity has been rising – and satellite is uniquely positioned to provide internet access in a country of such a diverse geographical profile and rural-urban population mix.

The neXat platform – a cloud-based satellite service delivery platform – will now provide a route for service providers to deliver connectivity across the country. The platform has connected to a Telstar satellite covering the entirety of the country.

neXat has further expanded its coverage in the Americas by linking to beams 8 and 9 of Telstar T19 which offers Ku-band Vantage HTS capacity. This allows the platform users to access new bandwidth in the country, offering a route to new revenue services.

“This capacity is crucial to the growth of our service provision in the region,” said Guillermo Bosch, SVP, Business development at SatADSL. “The two T19 HTS beams now active on our platform support VT iDirect Evolution technology and are a perfect complement to the existing VT iDirect-Dialog technology supported by Eutelsat’s satellite capacity in Latin America that is already connected to neXat.”

neXat operates as a Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) that also acts as a capacity aggregator, opening new markets for teleport, hub, and satellite operators to sell unused satellite capacity. It also offers monetizable customised satellite services and extended hub capabilities.

The news follows other expansions into South America by the neXat platform, such as a partnership with Telespazio Brazil which used the platform and the Yahsat3 satellite to access new customers in the country. neXat also expanded across Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay and parts of South Bolivia after connecting to the Eutelsat 117Wsatellite.

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