March 4, 2024

Out of This World Connectivity, Around the World

Dear partners and colleagues,

As we enter a new decade, we wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on everything SatADSL has achieved this year! 2019 saw us reach new heights as we formed new partnerships, entered new markets, and successfully opened a Point of Presence (PoP) in Singapore! We also travelled across the globe to promote our outstanding solutions, with SatADSL maintaining a strong presence at key industry events.

Around the world in 365 days

In May, we began our world tour by heading to Washington for SATELLITE 2019. It was our first time exhibiting at the event, and it was an honor to also be one of the three finalists for the World Teleport Association’s 2019 Teleport Technology of the Year award. The nomination highlights our strengthening position as a leading provider of an internationally recognized solution which is proven in enabling Satellite Operators maximize their bandwidth.

We then had the pleasure of attending CommunicAsia in June in Singapore. This was another first for SatADSL and was an essential event for us, as we begin our expansion into Asia, particularly with our Platform as a Service (PaaS) offer.

In September, our very own Caroline De Vos also won the Woman of the Year Award at the Global Women in Telco & Tech Awards 2019, recognising the innovative and inspiring work Caroline does for SatADSL and communities across the globe.

One of the most significant events in the satellite industry’s calendars, IBC 2019, took place in Amsterdam in September, and it offered us the perfect opportunity to introduce our new Chairman to our Board of Directors, Serge Van Herck. We are all delighted to welcome Serge to the team and look forward to working with him as we enter the new year.

Finally, in our effort to leave no continent unvisited, we headed to AfricaCom in November. SatADSL began in Africa back in 2010, and we now have 80 local partners and distributors across the region. At the event, we highlighted the expansion of our coverage and installation of our PoP’s and talked about our unique selling points, true differentiators in the market, such as how we can offer satellite vouchers based connectivity and VNOFlex solutions.

We look forward to revisiting all the events again in 2020. Attending these five main shows is an excellent chance for us to network with current and potential local clients, and to maintain our relationships with our partner’s providers. By creating new contacts, we are able to expand our connections even further, all whilst offering more coverage in various frequency bands, such as Ku, Ka, and C.  

Reaching new heights of connectivity

Expanding connectivity is always a priority at SatADSL. It has been very exciting to secure connections in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia and grow our geographical reach wider than ever before.

To begin, we are proud to announce that a new PoP will be launched in Singapore. Thanks to our innovative C-SDP, we can offer operators in Asia satellite services via the cloud without adding extra latency. Our modern PoP brought with it a list of possibilities, including the ability to provide pre-paid voucher-based services and operate as a Virtual Network Operator

We are also excited to announce that we will begin offering our service in Latin America in 2020. Using the SES4 satellite with Newtec Dialog® technology, we will take the first steps towards our expansion through the opening of our POP in Orlando, in Q1. This is particularly exciting as it moves us one step closer to a continent-to-continent connection!

A new year, a new challenge

As we look ahead to 2020, there is no denying that it will be an exciting year as we further expand our business globally. This will include working on the R&D project with the European Space Agency and the EU. Amongst others, we will be focusing on the readiness of our offering, including the addition of security requirements for governmental, institutional, and defense users as part of the GovSatCom initiative.

Furthermore, we are beyond thrilled to announce that we will be launching our 24/7 satellite service in 2020!

2020 is set to be a massive year for us, which will further solidify all that we have achieved as a company so far. We can’t wait to offer our fantastic service to more people than ever before and continue to grow.

We would also like to thank our amazing team for all their fantastic work this year! SatADSL is made up of 25 great people, from 14 different nationalities, who all come together to create the excellent, innovative solutions we are very proud of.

To all of our partners and customers, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year! Here’s to another year of creating magic with satellite around the world together.

Happy Holiday’s and have a great new year!

SatADSL Team

Helping you respond to a changing satcom market

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