March 4, 2024

Staying Safe & Staying Connected

In the exceptional circumstances facing the world today due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, staying safe, while staying connected, is a critical priority for many. Increasingly staff are forced to work from home, the ability to access medical advice has never been more pertinent, and people are dependent on access to food delivery services as they stay away from shops and restaurants. These cases are highlighting the dependency of all areas of society on effective connectivity means.

Now more than ever, providers have a great responsibility to deliver reliable connectivity to affected cities, towns and communities worldwide. For this reason, SatADSL is committed to maintaining business as usual, whilst also putting measures in place to keep its staff and customers safe.

Business as usual

Maintaining business as usual is of high importance for the SatADSL team. We understand the importance of users remaining connected during these uncertain times. To make sure that the connectivity demand is met, SatADSL will ensure that operators have the necessary bandwidth to create the low latency, reliable connectivity businesses and customers need by increasing the capacity of its solution.  

With our flagship Cloud-Service Delivery Platform (C-SDP) and global Points of Presence (PoP), we are committed to ensuring that we maintain our delivery of continent-to-continent connectivity with minimum disruption.

Keeping staff and customers safe

SatADSL is actively monitoring the situation and is following the safety guidelines put in place by the relevant authorities in Belgium. If there are any changes to our procedures, customers will be updated.

In order to ensure the safety of our staff and clients, we will be limited in-person interaction in our offices.

We can be reached via the following:

Phone Number: +32 2 880 82 70.

Email: | |

or contact your Key Account Manager directly via email or Skype.

For now, all operations are running normally, and SatADSL’s workforce is available for the following:

  • Commercial requests,
  • Customer Support,
  • Logistics (please take into account that transportation companies and suppliers are experiencing delays)
  • Teleport Operations.

SatADSL is committed to connectivity and will continue to balance the safety of its staff with the needs of its customers.

Supporting staff

As a precautionary measure, SatADSL has asked some of its staff to work from home. Any employees who are unwell, or who have sick family members, have also been directed to stay at home.

Following the guidelines set by the European Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, SatADSL is also encouraging increased hygiene standard, including washing hands regularly, using hand sanitizer, and disinfecting work areas frequently.

Thank you

SatADSL would like to thank its partners for the continued kind support and cooperation during these exceptional times.

May you and your families be well during this unfortunate situation.

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