March 4, 2024

Watch: neXat CCO on the World Teleport Association's 'Teleport Business Model in a Software-Driven World' webinar

Are you a teleport operator concerned by the market impact of Starlink? Are you looking for ways to keep up with the pace of change and stay ahead of competition?

neXat Founding Partner and CCO, Michel DOTHEY, participated in a webinar panel on “The Teleport Business Model in a Software-Driven World” hosted by World Teleport Association, for teleport operators to find out how they can keep operations efficient and advanced.

"Successful teleport operators are masters of the pivot: adapting their business models to the needs of changing markets. The bare-bones uplinks of the Eighties evolved into outsourced broadcast centers and providers of cruise and maritime services, business networks, secure military satcom and internet trunking. Today, explosive growth in the space business is confronting the industry with its biggest pivot yet. Competition from Starlink is already driving down pricing for core transmission services, and three more LEO constellations will be launching service in the next three years. They will bring new demand for gateways but also challenge the economics and the core value-add of many teleport operations. Meanwhile, as orbits multiply and satellites are increasingly software-defined, the demands on the ground segment for capacity, flexibility and seamless integration with terrestrial networks are overwhelming legacy analog technology. As technology vendors are rethinking their entire product lines to meet the new needs, teleport operators are being confronted with the need to rethink and renew their core value proposition, and to make strategic investments without investing too far ahead of market demand."

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